Healthy eating is not just about what we serve. It is about educating the children and giving them the knowledge and independence to make healthy choices that will stay with them for life.


All our meals are freshly made on site. We have two main meals across the full nursery day where the children eat together with their key people as well as breakfast and a morning and afternoon snack.

Many of our children eat up to ten meals a week, making this the majority of their weekly nutritional intake. For us, this is a huge responsibility and we want to ensure that everything we serve is of the best quality, that our menus are balanced and that the children enjoy their food. Babies are provided with blended or mashed food and then to a wider range of chopped versions of the solid foods provided for the older children. We work very closely with our families as babies progress gradually through the complimentary feeding journey and their diet diversifies based on each child’s developmental readiness.

We teach the importance of healthy eating and lifestyles, with colourful displays in each age-appropriate room to support these messages, as well as daily activities which include celebrating diversity in marking cultural festivals with traditional ingredients and growing fruit, herbs and vegetables in the garden outside, where children also learn key maths, science and conservation skills.


Eat Well Start Well Award

Eat Well Start Well Award

The nursery has been awarded The Eat Well Start Well award for Early Years Settings from Surrey County Council in recognition of the healthy and nutritious meals we serve to our children.
We work hard to ensure that we provide a nutritionally balanced diet throughout the week, with all meals created from scratch and freshly cooked each day at nursery. Our menus meet all the nutritional requirements set out in the assessment criteria for the Eat Well Start Well Award. You can trust that the food we offer provides appropriate amounts of energy and nutrients and encourages children to make healthy choices and develop good eating habits.



School Food Trust

We have adopted the code of practice (food and drink guidelines) set by the School Food Trust and the practical and nutritional guidelines drawn up by the Caroline Walker Trust.

We use high quality and organic ingredients whenever possible, and we cater for all dietary needs and always provide a vegetarian alternative.


Only the best food

All dishes are freshly prepared on site with fresh ingredients and are adapted for individual dietary requirements as necessary. None of our dishes contain GM ingredients, artificial sweeteners or additives. We support the ‘Stop the Rot’ campaign for healthy teeth, and children brush theirs after lunch.  

Children’s Food Trust Award

We are very proud that we have been awarded the Excellence Award with the children’s food trust. This award is given to a setting that meets their stringent criteria on food policy, menus, dining experiences, staff training and allowing children the opportunity to cook and eat healthily.

As an award holder, we:

⦁    hold a nationally recognised Award from the leading experts in children’s food.
⦁    know we are providing the best nutrition for the children in our care.
⦁    are able to reassure parents and encourage children to make healthy choices.
⦁    shine as a beacon of excellence in our local area.

Our Menus

Our menus include the children’s nursery-grown produce and salt and sugar-free food and are designed such that children receive a healthy and varied diet. One of the ways we do this is to work from a three week cycle. The dates for this and details of the menu are shown here.

Menu One

3 March
24 March
14 April

Menu Two

10 March
31 March
21 April

Menu Three

17 March
7 April
28 April


Allergy Information

Upon joining, we will make sure that we acquire detailed information about your child’s allergies, intolerances and any other additional requirements.

Some of Our Recipes for You to Try at Home