Exploring the New Garden!
/It’s an exciting time for the children coming back to nursery after the Christmas break, as they discovered that the garden renovation had been completed! They have loved exploring the new open space grass area, as well as the frost and ice that the winter weather has brought in. Otto ran straight over to the preschool door, calling Sebastian and Joseph over as well, “Doesn’t it look so lovely and nice!” he said with a big smile on his face. The children eagerly got ready to play outside, wrapping up warm in their coats, hats and gloves before they went off exploring. Gabriel, Sebastian and Otto went to check on the nature area and got set to building a new home for the robin they had regularly seen visit the nursery garden, whilst Margot and Harry sat themselves down on the new seating area at the back of the garden, sharing some stories. Margot looked up at the sun and contently said to Harry, “What a lovely, sunny day!”.
Ollie and Blair enjoyed a game of football together. Ollie had used the two cones and suggested to Blair, “This could be like a real football field and a goal, you need to kick the ball and I need to save it”. Blair was very keen with this idea, laughing and challenging Ollie, “I will score the goal!”. Blair counted down, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ready, go!” and was so proud of herself when she scored the goal with Ollie being a great team player and clapping for Blair. Arlo and Santiago joined their football game for a short while, Arlo then saying to Santiago, “I’m tired now, that was a lot of energy”. They both laughed and went over to explore the dinosaur set up, engaging themselves in to imaginative play. Whilst washing their hands to get ready for lunch, Amelie said to Freddie, “I’m excited to go and play back outside on the grass with the bikes!”.