A Visit to the Train Station!
/The children loved going on a trip to Esher station to see the trains! They all wrapped up warm and bundled in the buggies with commentary from a lot of them about what they were going to see. On the walk to the station the buggies passed a construction zone that Evie labelled as “so noisy” and Imogen pointed out the dog barking from a nearby garden and began barking back. As the children arrived at the station they were lucky enough to see a train quite quickly, although once it had passed and it was quiet again Phoebe looked around and said “Where they gone?” while swivelling her head form side to side, looking for more. It wasn’t long before more followed, at one point two went past at the same time, causing Jenson so giggle and say “More please”. Eliza began calling out for the trains by saying “Choo choo” and cheering when another went past. When it was time to leave the trains and return to nursery the toddlers left the station with a final wave a “Bye bye” to the trains.
Over the last couple of weeks, the toddlers have been loving the theme of transport and have had the chance to explore lots of themed activities. Arlo, Leo and Clara were very intrigued by an aeroplane activity where they were able to fly lolly stick aeroplanes through crazy foam clouds. To start with, they dove their hands straight into the crazy foam with lots of smiles and giggles, but upon Clara picking up one of the aeroplanes to take a closer look, the others joined in one by one. It wasn’t until Leo quickly plopped it into the crazy foam, gaining a cackle from Arlo, they began diving and scooping the aeroplanes through the clouds. Clara started to add sounds to this, “Niioow” which made Leo and Arlo laugh even more!
Recently, the under twos have thoroughly enjoyed their malleable play and being able to explore senses such as touch, look and smell. Inside, the children took part in a baby spa session where they could kick and splash in a builders tray, filled with a little warm water and crazy foam bubbles. Lowen showed no hesitation and stepped straight in, sitting himself down and grabbing two huge handfuls of crazy foam. He lifted each hand in the air and giggled with excitement as the crazy foam fell off and dropped onto his legs. Freya and Lyra kicked their legs and feet and laughed as the foam moved around them. Emilia found all of her friends very amusing and sat happily as she watched them.
Outside, the children have adored their adventurous walks, experiencing different kinds of weather and spotting animals along the way. One day in the garden, the children were intrigued when they saw something new. Sophia went for a look and found some ramps and a box full of colourful balls. Her ball of choice was a bright purple ball which she lifted up into the air to show her friends. As more of the children approached, Isabella tried her best to work out what the ramps were for. She picked up a yellow ball and threw it up the ramp for it to then roll all the way back down. Isabella said, “Ohhhh!” as the ball dropped onto the floor in front of her, which encouraged her friends to join in and experience the fun she was having.